Benefits to The Local Church Include:
Increase Revenue by Utilizing Wasted Space
Additional revenue is generated through the lease of classrooms, kitchen and office space that otherwise might be unoccupied Monday through Friday during business hours, creating a revenue stream that can be used in other areas of the church ministry as deemed appropriate by the church governing body.
Preschool Demographic leading to new church members
Approximately 95% percent of the families that will attend a Great Beginnings Preschool will not be a member or attender of the church. The majority of the 95% will, in fact, be un-churched. As families come into the preschool from the surrounding community, they are gaining exposure and familiarity with the church campus, church staff and becoming aware of specific ministries available to them through the church. The bridge from their home into a church service becomes a much smaller one to cross on a Saturday evening or Sunday Morning.
Seasonal Programming
Great Beginnings has multiple programs for parents during the year such as our Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Program, Preschool graduation and Kindergarten graduation. Our programs, to the casual looker, may be mistaken for the Academy Awards as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and siblings all cram into the auditorium with camera’s flashing. These are incredible opportunities for the Pastor, if willing and available, to address all who have gathered. Our goal and vision in this partnership is to create together with the local church, a seamless fabric that will blanket the needs and cares of the whole family.
The Value of Great Beginnings Over Charter Schools and Similar Programs
A weekday children's program should act as a children's ministry and a parent outreach through nurturing every aspect of child development including spiritual growth and Christian values. Will a charter school or a similar program reinforce the teachings of the church in which it is placed? With Great Beginnings Preschool and Childcare you'll never have to worry if the preschool program will be misaligned with the teachings and values of the church. Great Beginnings will be a partner with your church, expanding its teachings beyond Sunday school.
Benefits to Great Beginnings Include:
Carrying the message to the community's children
Great Beginnings needs space to carry out our ministry. By partnering with the local church we are able to ensure that the money otherwise spent on a lease, goes back into the work of the local church ministry and the furtherance of the gospel.
Church Support
By finding church partners we can quickly establish our ministry and reach the local community.
Expanding Beyond Community Boundaries
Because the local church is everywhere, we have no limits to where we can minister when God opens doors.
At Great Beginnings, our calling and gifts are in the area of ministry to children. We are not the local church and we can not begin to meet the multitude of needs that our families have. However, we can and we do channel them to the church which is equipped to meet their needs. What a blessing for us.