Is a Partnership Program right for your church?
We don’t know for certain but we are looking forward to exploring the possibilities with you.
Our ministry will strive to provide you with all the information we can and answer additional questions you may have that will assist you in making an informed decision. Our experience has taught us that every church is unique as is the process they go through in evaluating the partnership opportunity.
The Great Beginnings Leadership Team also has a system or process we complete when evaluating each opportunity. Our process is commonly referred to as a SWOT analysis. For our organization as well as for the local church expressing interest in a partnership, we review the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are currently present.
Our nearly ten years of experience in partnering with churches has taught us that the greatest strengths and opportunities for a successful partnership exist where a vision and passion for children’s ministries is already present in the life of the local body of believers. If the vision exists, obstacles often can be easily overcome.
While it is important to have a criteria for evaluating partnerships, ultimately we rely on prayer and the counsel of many godly people within and outside of our organization. We would value the opportunity to consider a partnership with your church.
If you would like more information please contact us directly by clicking on our "Contact Us" tab at the top of the page.
In His Service,
Robert Nedimyer (founder)
Rachel Ryan (President)